Saturday, January 29, 2005

6 Months

I will meditate for 20 minutes prior to switching on this infernal machine which has fed my addictions for years now.
Read this guys journal to put some perspective on your troubles.
L. is on tenterhooks waiting until Friday when she can test herself. She has been eating some unusual foods (for her) such as champ and pies.
There will be a lengthy debate on the M3 on Wednesday. I hope they throw the idea out lock stock and barrel.

Thursday, January 06, 2005

Happy New Year

Northern Sea

Do we all enter the new year with raised hopes? We can slew off all the bad stuff of the last few decades and start afresh. More disciplined. creative,courageous?
Well I'm still in that mode although my gambling continues. I am using money now gathered from winnings - although I have lost 4 days on the trot!
My father is 75 today. Still able to climb hills and do gardens. Tomorrow we'll have a celebration in a local restaurant for him.
The New Year beckons - disasters, joys, boredom, contentment. Bring it On!